Atwater Alley


A Hidden Drinking Den Behind Henry’s Majestic

None Well, that hurt.

It looked like a catch to us.

Let’s just have a stiff drink and try not to think about it.

This should help.

Who: Atwater Alley.

What: It’s a two-level, dimly lit and hard-to-find cocktail den from the Henry’s Majestic guys, and it’s quietly open now with limited hours.

Where: It’s behind Henry’s, but to get in, walk into the restaurant to inquire. The staff will point you in the right direction, and a walk down a long hallway later, there you are: two tiny floors with dark wooden bars, brocaded wallpaper and a real Boardwalk Empire vibe.

When: Weekends, mostly, or whenever capacity warrants it. But they’re also booking the space for private events. So keep that in mind come Presidents’ Day party season.

Why: Hopefully this is obvious, but... drinks. Good ones from barkeep Alex Fletcher and company. The menu is constantly in flux, but you can expect things like whiskey and gin mixed into other things, which, when combined, form a magical third thing that’s even greater than the sum of its parts.

Sorry, things got a little complicated there.


Atwater Alley
at Henry’s Majestic
4900 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX, 75205

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