
Word Lines

A Very Out-of-Context Look Back at 2014

Context is everything.

Which technically means it’s also a little overrated.

So that’s where The Year in Short comes in. It’s a look back at the year via a random assortment of sentences pulled from some stories that we wrote and you read in 2014.

Spoiler: the first one is “Football. Duh.”

Football. Duh.

“A stately coffee table that converts to an S&M bondage rack.”

“You are, of course, familiar with Tamale’s Law.”

“What are you, some kind of oracle or something?”

“A bridal shower is hanging around the pool table causing trouble.”

“Sometimes it is called ‘corn smut.’”

“You may not want it lying around when Grandma comes over.”

“It’s like smoking in a game of Clue.”

“Forcing them to wear remote-controlled dog shock collars.”

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