These Dapper Woven Slippers
The standby: Burning the bottoms of your feet. (Or suffering the indignities of $2 CVS
The upgrade: Draping your feet in terry cloth.
The icon: Paul Newman at Cannes. Never a bad role model.
You have T-minus 24 days until Labor Day. Which means your chances to hit the beach are running out. But before you rush off to the Rockaways or the Hamptons or the crystalline shores of East River Park, you might want to pick up this stuff...
The standby: Burning the bottoms of your feet. (Or suffering the indignities of $2 CVS
The upgrade: Draping your feet in terry cloth.
The icon: Paul Newman at Cannes. Never a bad role model.
The standby: Non-daring swim trunks.
The upgrade: These immodestly cut French shorts. Because you didn’t do power squats all
summer for fun.
The icon: Alain Delon. Or anyone else photographed next to a bikini-clad Brigitte
Bardot in the ’60s.
The standby: Best case: a screwdriver. Worst case: giving up and ordering in pizza
The upgrade: This thing, specifically designed to open local bivalves like Blue Points and
Naked Cowboys.
The icon: Um... drawing a blank on this one. Maybe get Daniel Craig or someone to do an
oyster-shucking movie? Thanks.
The standby: Not bringing a notebook to the beach.
The upgrade: This thing, made out of the most summery fabric imaginable by tie guru
Alexander Olch.
The icon: A Southern lawyer. But in notebook form.
The standby: Sand everywhere. We mean everywhere.
The upgrade: This thing. It rolls up, feels like grass and staves off later bouts of
sand-induced insanity.
The icon: Mr. Clean.
The standby: The first bag you find when digging through your closet.
The upgrade: This tough-ass bag. More precisely: this tough-ass bag with flowers all over
The icon: We could totally see Gosling carrying this thing. So let’s go with Gosling.