Things to do for July 17, 2014

The Weekender

A Giant Sale and the Complete History of Tiki. You May Enter the Weekend.

Weekend? Weekend? Weekend?

Drink Rum While Reading This

Drink Rum While Reading This

There’s a lot you might not know. For example, you might not know that Mr. Tiki, before his lounges and his awkward cups full of frozen rum, was actually a very important Polynesian religious figure. Or maybe you did know that. Either way, this book has some crazy pictures to prove it.

Your Road Trip Face Essentials Are Here

Your Road Trip Face Essentials Are Here

The facial-hair whisperers at Triumph & Disaster thought you might want to keep a fresh visage while traveling this summer. So they put together this travel kit with cleansers, creams and moisturizers of the fancy variety. Pro tip: it doesn’t work if you forget to pack it.

A Dashing Excuse to Throw Sharp Objects

A Dashing Excuse to Throw Sharp Objects

What more could we say about a smart-looking, multicolored dartboard made with silk-screened cork and some equally smart-looking, multicolored darts made from maple that come in two sizes and were designed by recreational enthusiasts Fredericks & Mae that we haven’t already said? Guess that about sums it up.

The Nagging Friend of iPhone Apps

The Nagging Friend of iPhone Apps

Problem: You might be on your phone too much.
Solution: Moment, an app that times your daily phone usage.
How It Works: You set a daily usage limit. When you reach it, your phone buzzes.
The Irony: If the app works, there’s no need for the app. Some business model...

Oh, Look. Giant Wittmore Sale.

Oh, Look. Giant Wittmore Sale.

The gents over at Wittmore have declared a national sale emergency. Okay, maybe not an emergency. But it’s up to half off a lot. Like over 20 brands including a bunch of shirts, pants, swimwear and this weird splatter paint bucket hat thing. Which you suddenly need for no reason.

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