
Bitter Sweet

Cocktail Mixers for Bettering Your Bar

None Pop quiz.

To be an accomplished mixologist, you need:

A. A glorious mustache.
B. Suspenders.
C. A percussive shaking technique to complement the music.
D. The Internet.

The answer: D.

Although a basic ability to follow instructions wouldn’t hurt.

Meet Bittermilk, a line of not-your-average cocktail mixers for whipping up serious drinks at home, available online now.

Picture this: you’ve got people over. These people want fine drinks. And your hospitality ethos demands you give the people what they want. There’s only one problem. Besides the requisite liquors, your home bar is looking a little bare.

That’s when you’ll reach for this trio of cocktail helpers, because they’ll do the heavy lifting to ensure your drinks are perfect. And they’ll generally make you look like a hero. So shake some whiskey with the Smoked Honey Whiskey Sour mix for a heady summertime refreshment. Same goes for the Tom Collins with Elderflower & Hops mix. Yep, that calls for gin. Good instincts.

And when your houseguests demand Old Fashioneds, well, remind them of their manners. But then laugh it off and stir a little Bourbon Barrel Aged Old Fashioned mix into a dose of rye.

And then politely present their bill.

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