Emil Bach House

The Way, Way Bach

A Rentable FLW House, by the Numbers

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
None 8 Photos Emil Bach House
You know the old saying: there’s never a good Frank Lloyd Wright house available to rent when you really need one.

If you don’t: A) you’re probably not hanging with the right architecture preservationists. B) Never mind, it’s obsolete anyway...

That’s right: Emil Bach House is now taking reservations for your next Rogers Park sleepover.

What makes this special: its storied history. Its meticulous renovation. Its warm soul. But that can all be so... subjective. It’s best to just let some numbers paint the picture.

1915: Year the house was built for Chicago brick magnate Emil Bach.
0: The number of bricks made by the Bach Brick Co. in this house.
Incalculable: The irony of that last fact.
$5,000: Projected cost of the construction.
$11,000: Final cost.
$1.7 million: Amount that (Jennifer Pritzker–backed) Tawani Enterprises purchased the house for in 2010 before renovating the hell out of it.
Undisclosed: Cost of renovation.
1,700,00o to 1: Chances that Pritzker will be on Flip This House soon.
5: Maximum occupancy.
3: Number of bedrooms.
1: Cast-iron bathtubs.
TBD: Number of people who fit in a cast-iron bathtub at one time.
1: Number of teahouses at your disposal.
1: Blocks to Jarvis Beach.
$750: Cost per night before June 1.
$1,495: Cost per night after June 1.
High: Chances you just found where to host your Memorial Day barbecue.


Emil Bach House
7415 N Sheridan Rd
(between Jarvis and Fargo)
Chicago, IL, 60626


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