Things to do for April 11, 2014

The Weekender

Wu-Tang, Rooftops and Beer

You make a better door than a weekend.

Meet Chelsea’s New Live Music Spot

Meet Chelsea’s New Live Music Spot

Which of the following will you not find at Chelsea’s shiny new Meridian 23?
A) fresh-juice-based cocktails
B) a solid neighborhood vibe
C) weird-looking masks on the wall
D) large amounts of people getting down to Afro-pop and jazz
E) a guy named DJ Funkenstein

If you guessed “trick question,” congrats.

Now open, Meridian 23, 161 W 23rd St (between 6th and 7th), 212-645-0649

Paul Smith, 75% Off. Yep.

Paul Smith, 75% Off. Yep.

There’s a suit out there. An incredibly dapper British suit. And it’s lonely. It’s just sitting there in SoHo, waiting to be appreciated. Waiting to be put on. Waiting for you. It’s at the Paul Smith sample sale. Don’t let it down.

Through Apr 12, Paul Smith Sample Sale, 151 Wooster St (between Prince and Houston)

Wu-Tang and Beer on a Brooklyn Rooftop

Wu-Tang and Beer on a Brooklyn Rooftop

Well, this is intriguing: there’s a pop-up gallery of Wu-Tang-inspired mixed-media art happening Saturday. And this might make it intriguing-er: it’s happening on a rooftop and there’s a beer tasting. The whole shebang’s called Meat MRKT, and it’s for the children.

Apr 12, noon-6pm, Meat MRKT, 57 Thames St (between Knickerbocker and Morgan), Brooklyn

Brunch, French-Style

Brunch, French-Style

Chicane desperately wants to show you how good they are at making brioche french toast. In fact, they started an entire brunch operation to do so. The toast comes with blueberries and kiwi-Chartreuse jam, and will doubtless attract smoky-eyed French expats yearning for a cigarette. Brioche has that effect on ’em.

What Else Is New
World-Class Noodles + Beer on a Patio

World-Class Noodles + Beer on a Patio

If you like noodles: The sexy new Tribeca Japanese spot Daruma-Ya (pictured) uses a ridiculously elaborate process to make their soba. Mmm... process.
If you like beer outside: You can say yes just this once to going to Kips Bay, where Albion (from the Drop Off Service guys) now exists.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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