Things to do for March 06, 2014

The Weekender

A New Coffee Shop, a New Pho Spot and a New Happy Hour

The weekend wishes it were an Oscar Mayer wiener.

This Pho Place Has Monster in the Name

This Pho Place Has Monster in the Name

When you’re craving pho, it tends to hit at one of two levels. 1) “Just pho, please. Thank you so much.” 2) “Holy mother of Christ, I need a steaming bowl of brisket, flank steak, meatballs, rare steak, tendon and tripe immediately.” Monster Pho has that last kind.

Now open, Monster Pho, 3905 Broadway (between 38th and 40th), Oakland, 510-788-4459

The Mission Wanted You to Have This

The Mission Wanted You to Have This

Hey, there’s a new Park Life in the Mission. You know these guys. They like to put art and design-y things and Mission-specific T-shirts and stationery in buildings so you can go procure them. So you’re free to go do that now.

Now open, Park Life, 3049 22nd St (at Shotwell), 415-386-7275

It’s a New Happy Hour. You Like Those.

It’s a New Happy Hour. You Like Those.

When life gives you a new happy hour, you... go to that happy hour. And when it’s at Alta, you eat oysters and drink wine that doesn’t cost much. In fact, it’s just wine for now, but they’ll be throwing cocktails and beer on the roster soon. Be strong.

Mon-Fri, 4-6pm, Alta CA, 1420 Market St (between 10th and 11th), 415-590-2585

Another Food Truck Thing. Weird.

Another Food Truck Thing. Weird.

Fist of Flour Pizza Co. Ñora. Go Streatery. Those are three of the eight food trucks that will be gathering on the first Friday of every month at this new truck pod in Oakland. If you like food, this should really work out for you.

First Friday of every month, 6-9pm, Bites in Uptown, 478 25th St (between Broadway and Telegraph), Oakland

Where You Get Caffeine from Now On

Where You Get Caffeine from Now On

There’s a new coffee shop on Larkin. Goes by the familiar name of Jane. She’s got Stumptown, she’s got baked goods and smoothies, and she just might make a great pit stop before you go do whatever it is you do during the day. Coffee shop and all.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in San Francisco