
Mad Game

The Five Best-Looking Table Games

Nobody <em>needs</em> a glass-bottom pool table. But frankly, that isn’t a very good reason to not have a glass-bottom pool table. Below, five of the more attractive table games in existence. Maybe start clearing some floor space.

Commissioning Your Own Foosball Table

Commissioning Your Own Foosball Table

Apparently, soccer is pretty big in Spain. So big, in fact, that some people over there have taken to making custom foosball tables (that they’ll ship to the states) where you can pick everything from the field layout to the goalkeeper’s sock color. Use this insanity to your advantage.

A Ruggedly Handsome Shuffleboard Table

A Ruggedly Handsome Shuffleboard Table

Roughly 99.7% of all shuffleboard tables belong in dive bars. But then there’s the one shuffleboard table that’s made of reclaimed oak and welded steel with stitched leather gutters. If a Museum of Modern Shuffleboard Art existed, it would belong there. But it doesn’t, so try your basement instead.

A Pool Table You Can See Through

A Pool Table You Can See Through

Leave it to science to figure out a way to build a billiards table with a clear glass surface that both replicates the rolling resistance of felt and is impervious to scratches. The physical kind. You’ll still need to keep the cue ball out of the corner pocket on your own.

The Invincible Ping-Pong Table

The Invincible Ping-Pong Table

You know what’s typically made of carbon fiber, machined aluminum and poured concrete... bomb shelters. Also, this virtually indestructible (and all sorts of good-looking) ping-pong table that was built with your penchant for furiously breaking paddles over ping-pong tables in mind. We assume.

A Presidential Chess Set

A Presidential Chess Set

The guy who used to own this chess set: none other than John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It’s constructed from rare wood with crocodile leather playing squares. The pieces are solid ebony and ivory. And there’s a hidden compartment inside where JFK possibly once stored national secrets. So, a fitting spot for your M&M’s.

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