
’Wealth Management

The Grown-Up Sports Bar Arrives

None 6 Photos Commonwealth
Tomorrow’s opening ceremony: pomp, circumstance and probably lots of vodka.

Tonight’s opening ceremony: buttermilk fried chicken, shrimp tacos and lots of whiskey and vodka.

That brings the tally to: Roscoe Village 1, Sochi 0.

Let the trumpets herald the arrival of Commonwealth, a regal little Roscoe Village sports gastropub, opening today at 4pm.

The timing is good if you’re looking for a dignified corner spot to watch the Winter Games—or, you know, look at various historical artifacts. You’ll find an antique US flag, a vintage NCAA sign and framed documents signed by James Madison and James Monroe. Also: a dozen or so flat-screens, if the historical documents don’t have enough hockey fights for you.

So watching Sunday afternoon’s Bulls-Lakers game over a pint of Scotch ale—or a glass of scotch—is a perfectly sensible reason to come here. But they’ve also recruited a pair of crackerjack young chefs. They’re not too proud to make you spicy hot wings or a half-pound burger with housemade pickles on a brioche bun. However, they’re also serving charcuterie, they’re sourcing local pork chops, they’re doing artisanal grits with the chicken, and they’re spiking your margarita with sriracha sauce.

It’s about time someone did.


2000 W Roscoe St
(at Damen)
Chicago, IL, 60618


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