Things to do for February 06, 2014

The Weekender

Beer Drones and Caviar Champagne. Silly Weekend.

The weekend is already training for Pyeongchang.

Caviar Champagne. It’s Real Now.

Caviar Champagne. It’s Real Now.

Caviar (n.): salt-cured fish eggs from the Acipenseridae family; often accompanied by Russians and toast points.
Champagne (n.): an effervescent refreshment typically enjoyed during celebratory occasions and the women’s curling semifinals.
Caviar Champagne (n.): a drinkable thing that actually exists now involving osetra caviar and 20-year-aged grapes. (See also: this stuff.)

Here Now: Winter Olympics 101

Here Now: Winter Olympics 101

The Winter Olympics start tomorrow. So to get you in the mood, here’s an impossibly thorough history of the Games, rife with videos, obscure statistics and more information about Olympic mascots than you ever imagined. And if that doesn’t get you excited... well, there’s always Kiira Korpi.

The World’s First Dogsled Taxi

The World’s First Dogsled Taxi

As of right now, there’s a hotel in Norway that will arrange your airport transfer by picking you up with a dogsled pack and pulling you straight from the airport to the lobby. And right... now, you’re realizing how different Taxi Driver would’ve been if it were set in modern-day Norway.

The Beer Drones Have Arrived

The Beer Drones Have Arrived

Drones. In the wrong hands, they could present some catastrophic consequences. But in the hands of a small Wisconsin-based brewery, they’re delivering icy cases of beer to parched citizens in desolate, beerless areas. Might want to reconsider your stance on domestic drone policy.

Four Million Songs Nobody’s Ever Heard

Four Million Songs Nobody’s Ever Heard

Total number of songs on Spotify: 20,000,000+
Total number of songs that have never been played once on Spotify: 4,000,000
Websites dedicated to playing only those unheard songs: 1
Odds you’ll suddenly develop an appreciation for Turkish chamber music: 2:1

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