
Score Values

The Sportiest Art Exhibit of All Time

None Right now: pretty big time for sports.

Sunday is the Super Bowl.

Next Friday is the Winter Olympics.

And tonight is the opening reception for Score, a new interactive art exhibit where every painting, every video installation and every putting green is related to sports.

Time for the stats...

Days the exhibit will be open: 57
Number of artists in the show: 23
Hours the opening reception runs tonight: 2
Gratis glasses of wine you’ll consume in that time: [REDACTED]
Half-naked gymnasts, discus throwers and other Olympic athletes on the wall-length photo near the entrance: 125
Pounds sumo wrestler Emmanuel Yarborough weighed during that shoot: 700
Number of Tara Lipinskis it’d take to make one Emmanuel Yarborough: 7.368
Video booths you can watch random golf footage in: 1
Hole-in-ones you’ll sink on the putting green next to it: depends on what “[REDACTED]” means above
Dimension a gold running shoe on display was printed in: 3D
Jersey number you’ll find on a piece of cowhide under Jim Thorpe’s name: 1
Percent chance you’ll not quite know what to think about that and decide to go grab another glass of wine instead: 92.7


at The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia
75 Bennett St
Atlanta, GA, 30309

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