Things to do for January 23, 2014

The Weekender

A Winery House Party and a Very ’70s Happy Hour

The weekend made you look.

The Next Move, Now in Portland

The Next Move, Now in Portland

Manifest Destiny. It’s what stretched our great nation from sea to shining sea. And it continues as our free mobile app, The Next Move, is now live in Portland, Oregon. It will direct you toward great oysters, serious cocktails or the nearest vegan strip club. Because that’s a thing in Portland.

You May End Up Dancing to Footloose

You May End Up Dancing to <em>Footloose</em>

SF Sketchfest. Here it comes again. And lest you think there’ll be no dance-and-sing-alongs to a Footloose screening, rubbing elbows with the cast of Napoleon Dynamite and salutes to Bored to Death with Ted Danson this year... well, there will be.

How to Not Die and Other Cute Things

How to Not Die and Other Cute Things

We sincerely hope you never have to escape any type of impending doom. But... that also sounds kind of fun. So here, take one of these new tactical survival classes and be ready. You’ll learn how to do anything from picking locks to performing emergency triage to escaping a kidnapping. See, fun.

House Party. The House Is a Winery.

House Party. The House Is a Winery.

Your Saturday night goes like this:
Get on a bus: It’s taking you to the Chateau Montelena winery.
Look alive: Because all of a sudden, you’re at an ’80s dance party.
Drink wine: The rare kind from their cellar.
Request something from Men Without Hats: You probably just should.

This Happy Hour Is Pretty Damn Happy

This Happy Hour Is Pretty Damn Happy

Once upon a time, Bergerac decided to do a ’70s-inspired happy hour. The moral of the story: banana daiquiris, Harvey Wallbangers and grilled cheeses. All priced very similarly to the way they were in the ’70s. Oh, right. The end.

Tue-Sat, 5-7pm, Bergerac, 316 11th St (at Folsom), 415-255-9440

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