Bondir Concord

Ties That Bondir

Truffles and Bourbon in an Old Firehouse

None 7 Photos Bondir Concord
Ah, the little town of Concord, MA.

Great for inspiring transcendentalists. Reliable on the antiquing front. Pretty solid place for saying the word “quaint.”

But perhaps more relevant: it’s about to get a lot better at date nights.

With a little help from Bondir Concord, Jason Bond’s cozy new den of bourbon cocktails and tableside truffle shaves, now soft-open.

Jason Bond. You know the guy. Culinary dark horse of Central Square. Fed you pork belly by a roaring fire in his tiny, original Bondir in Cambridge. Well, he’s about to do that again. But this time, he’s going to do it in a former firehouse filled with antiques and spaghetti.

The new place is huge. Which means huge new things like an open kitchen dispensing skate wing. And a granite bar dispensing bourbon-and-Cynar cocktails named Giuseppe Goes to Trinidad. And a fireplace with a single-seat cushion at its hearth. (Pro tip: bring a lap.)

Take that date over to the century-old wooden church pew within crackling distance of the crackling fire. That’s where a man holding a French truffle knife will ask if he can have the privilege of shaving some white truffles over your homemade spaghetti.

Give the man what he wants.


Bondir Concord
24 Walden St
Concord, MA, 01742


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