
Boo Balls

The Five Best Halloween Parties in Town

Here’s a scary thought: Halloween-party season goes full-on, <em>Carrie</em>-level bonkers this weekend. But the good news is you finally have a place to wear that black-and-white-striped Hamburglar/Robin Thicke costume. Actually, you have five places.

Blood, Sex, Sugar, Magic, Vodka...

Blood, Sex, Sugar, Magic, Vodka...

The Dana Hotel will be doing an illusion-inspired weekend, including a magic show outside the hotel on Saturday. Inside the hotel: roaming hypnotists, tarot card readers, contortionists and a bar with Black Magic (champagne, Chambord, food coloring). Also: beds. In case your assistant gets very sleepy.

Like a Game of Clue. But in Bar Form.

Like a Game of Clue. But in Bar Form.

This Lincoln Park pub is dressing up as a life-size, multiroom Clue game, with a library, a ballroom and a lounge. Earn a Clue card every time you order a cocktail—and by midnight, submit your guess and win cash prizes. Plus, your Mr. Peacock costume will be legendary.

Oct 26, 8pm, no cover, Crossing, 2548 N Southport Ave, 773-327-4900

Perhaps the Most Mileys per Square Foot

Perhaps the Most Mileys per Square Foot

This is a late-night dance party in a Logan Square loft—so, warning: twerking may be involved. But there will be other things involved, too. Like a cash bar, good DJs and a costume contest with a category for weirdest. Hence, your twerking Jay Cutler idea...

Oct 26, 9pm-2am, $15-$20, Logan Square Auditorium, 2539 N Kedzie Blvd, 773-252-6179, tickets here

You and a Bunch of Daisy Buchanans

You and a Bunch of Daisy Buchanans

If you missed The Great Gatsby this summer, well, it was pretty wild. There were flappers and Jay Z, plus $5 dragon fruit vodka bombs. Also: someone won $500 for the best costume. Or maybe we’re thinking of this party. If so, Jay Z will be played by the DJ.

Things That Go Thump in the Night

Things That Go Thump in the Night

This is one crazy, sweaty, dance-until-nearly-dawn deal. A lot of tattoos. A lot of black eye makeup. A lot of people dressed as witches. A lot of people who list “witch” on their résumé. Plus, there’s a costume/makeup station. In case your Zombie Rahm needs a touch-up.

Oct 27, 10pm, no cover before 11pm, Evil Olive, 1551 W Division St, 773-235-9100

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