Saint Rita Parlor

Parlor for the Course

Rare LA-Made Sunglasses at Hammer and Spear

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.

So basically, your sunglasses could be some exquisitely rare curtains or some common dusty mini blinds.

... to the soul.

Choose wisely with Saint Rita Parlor, a limited pile of unusual eyewear made here in LA, available now.

You’ve got a few options—think big round lenses that look smart in that I’m-costarring-in-a-’70s-Woody-Allen-film kind of way. Or Cary Grant–ish black plastic frames, if you’re going to a foreign film and want everyone to know you’re reading the subtitles. Or clear ’80s-style frames that would’ve come in handy if you were around to help found Microsoft.

Whatever you choose—prescription glasses or shades—just know that only 100 are produced in each style, and you’ll only find them on the website or at Hammer and Spear. They’re made right here in LA by a man who named the brand after his grandma—and if you look closely on the right arm of every pair, you’ll see a tiny embedded brass coin with a grandma’s face inside.

Whispering that you should really call more.


Saint Rita Parlor
available at Hammer and Spear
255 S Santa Fe Ave
Los Angeles, CA, 90012

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