Terence Steven McQueen. Also known as “The King of Cool.” Also known as “Steve.” And now: known as
the guy who (sort of) bequeathed unto you his old Western homestead, Pioneer Moon Ranch in Sun
Valley, Idaho. But before you draw up plans for a dirt-bike track, you should know a few facts...
Asking price: $7,400,000
Cabins on the property: 2
Acres of wilderness on the property: 500-plus
Mountain lions included with those acres of wilderness: good question...
Total square footage of the main cabin and guesthouse combined: 3,141
Bearskin rugs required to cover every inch: approximately 62
Antlers currently adorning the walls: 7
Fireplaces: 3
Hand-pump wells: 1
Days since you last hand-pumped your own water: all of them
Miles of Big Wood River traversing the property: 1.5
Pioneer mountain range peaks in the distance: 15
Balconies from which to view said peaks while sipping rare whiskey and listening to John Denver: 1
Vintage Porsche 911s that’ll fit in the garage: 4
Minutes by car to downtown Ketchum: 25
Minutes by vintage Porsche 911 to downtown Ketchum: 13
Asking price: $7,400,000
Cabins on the property: 2
Acres of wilderness on the property: 500-plus
Mountain lions included with those acres of wilderness: good question...
Total square footage of the main cabin and guesthouse combined: 3,141
Bearskin rugs required to cover every inch: approximately 62
Antlers currently adorning the walls: 7
Fireplaces: 3
Hand-pump wells: 1
Days since you last hand-pumped your own water: all of them
Miles of Big Wood River traversing the property: 1.5
Pioneer mountain range peaks in the distance: 15
Balconies from which to view said peaks while sipping rare whiskey and listening to John Denver: 1
Vintage Porsche 911s that’ll fit in the garage: 4
Minutes by car to downtown Ketchum: 25
Minutes by vintage Porsche 911 to downtown Ketchum: 13