Today of all days, you should take some time to appreciate nature. In particular,
one—or is that two?—of its greatest wonders: Gams. Stems. Legs.
Whatever you call 'em, they've long deserved a book-length tribute. Happily, the discerning pervs at Taschen will soon release The Big Book of Legs.
At first, you'll just want to stare at the pictures. Take your time—there are 400 of 'em, spanning two centuries and nearly 200 pages, all from legendary photographers like Elmer Batters and Bunny Yeager. (Those of you with more catholic tastes, take note: the subjects come in all shapes and sizes, and there's even a chapter devoted to feet.)
But don't skip the text. It's written by Dian Hanson, a former editor of that esteemed rag Juggs. Happily, her expertise extends below the waist, too—here, she provides dinner-party nuggets on everything from flappers and stilettos to busty pinup queen Bettie Page's second-sexiest pair. (Hanson's earlier paean to sweater puppies is also worth picking up; stick to Legs, however, for late-night coffee-table sessions with ladyfriends—or in-laws.)
Can't make it to a bookstore today? Good news: we've provided a slideshow sampling above.
Happy Earth Day.
Whatever you call 'em, they've long deserved a book-length tribute. Happily, the discerning pervs at Taschen will soon release The Big Book of Legs.
At first, you'll just want to stare at the pictures. Take your time—there are 400 of 'em, spanning two centuries and nearly 200 pages, all from legendary photographers like Elmer Batters and Bunny Yeager. (Those of you with more catholic tastes, take note: the subjects come in all shapes and sizes, and there's even a chapter devoted to feet.)
But don't skip the text. It's written by Dian Hanson, a former editor of that esteemed rag Juggs. Happily, her expertise extends below the waist, too—here, she provides dinner-party nuggets on everything from flappers and stilettos to busty pinup queen Bettie Page's second-sexiest pair. (Hanson's earlier paean to sweater puppies is also worth picking up; stick to Legs, however, for late-night coffee-table sessions with ladyfriends—or in-laws.)
Can't make it to a bookstore today? Good news: we've provided a slideshow sampling above.
Happy Earth Day.