Things to do for June 13, 2013

The Weekender

Big Sale, Big Tamales and Father-Son Haircuts

The weekend is your father.

Dad Needs Clothes. These Are on Sale.

Dad Needs Clothes. These Are on Sale.

Safe bet #1: your dad wears shoes and clothes. Safe bet #2: you’re getting him something for Father’s Day. So it stands to reason that this sale at Wingtip is something you’d like to know about. Peter Millar moccasins. Shawl-collar Barbour cardigans. All in there. Ties, too. But... don’t.

Ongoing, Wingtip, 550 Montgomery St (at Clay), 415-765-0993

Big Is Closing. You Are Drinking.

Big Is Closing. You Are Drinking.

Big, that bar in the Tenderloin that’s not big at all, is closing forever tomorrow. But not before throwing itself a massive going-away party first. Look for tequila-braised goat tacos from Tango & Stache and guest bartenders from Rye and Local Edition. Don’t look for streamers, though. They won’t have streamers.

Jun 14, noon-midnight, Big, 761 Post St (at Leavenworth)

Father-Son Haircuts. They’re Happening.

Father-Son Haircuts. They’re Happening.

Hey, you and your dad should get matching haircuts. 1) There’s just something hilarious about the thought of that, and 2) the Baxter Finley barbers are setting up shop at Unionmade and offering it as a legitimate appointment-only service. Think of it as giving yourself the gift of dad-hair.

Here’s What You’re Doing Saturday Night

Here’s What You’re Doing Saturday Night

Film Night kicks off at Dolores Park this Saturday. Grab a date, grab a premade picnic basket from Pizzeria Delfina and settle in for a dusk screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s the Notebook of Harrison Ford–helmed treasure-hunting movies.

Jun 15, 8pm (film starts at dusk), Dolores Park, Dolores St and 19th St, 415-272-2756; picnic baskets $38, Pizzeria Delfina, reserve at 415-437-6800

If You Like Tamales and Beer, Well...

If You Like Tamales and Beer, Well...

So many beer-pairing dinners. They’re everywhere. Seriously, if you see one more of these things, you’re going to... probably keep being really happy about it. Especially when it’s this beer-and-tamale dinner at Roosevelt’s Tamale Parlor. It’s beers paired with tamales. Pretty self-explanatory. And great. It’s self-explanatorily great.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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