
World Cup

Cuppacoffee, by the Numbers

None Right after Miranda Kerr and Yahoo Serious, Aussie meat pies are your favorite export from Down Under. So rejoice: a new Australian snack shack and coffee hut called Cuppacoffee has just soft-opened between the TD Garden and Haymarket. Here are our infallible, super-scientific numerical findings.

Books about Australia lining the counter by the open windows: 3
Page number in Chronicle of Australia where you can read about boxer Jack Johnson’s 1908 victory in Sydney Stadium: 489
Average number of songs by crooner Jack Johnson you’ll hear in a 30-minute stop: 1.5
Burlap coffee-bean bags lining the counter: 7
Coffee bean types available: 15
Sips required to consume the extra-milk, thin-head New Zealand “flat white” coffee: 5 to 6
Different meat pies, all made by a local Australian: 10
Of those containing “mince” anything: 4
Heat factor of the spicy Thai chicken pie on a 1 to 10 scale: soft 6
Mile radius from the shop they will deliver pies: 1
Actual Australians on site during visit: 4
Boomerangs: 2
Scale of 1 to 10 you’d ballpark your boomerang-throwing skills without needing to actually prove it: hard 7
Visible tubs of Vegemite adorning the walls: 3
Approximate number of times you’ll eat the stuff after your first try: 0


1 Merrimac St
Boston, MA, 02114

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