
Gyro Worship

Lamb Eggplant and Duck Gyros in Wicker Park

UrbanDaddy - Taxim You've led your fair share of ouzo-fueled raids on Greektown.

But sometimes a good raid requires a little horizon broadening.

So when we heard about a new restaurant in Wicker Park that was throwing around ideas like lamb-stuffed eggplant, liquor-soaked cheesecake, outdoor rooftop decks and pine-scented wine served out of copper vessels, we knew you needed to know, even if all the details weren't set in stone just yet.

Introducing Taxim (pronounced "TAK-seem"), your new home for Greek rabblerousing on Milwaukee Avenue.

The first Greek restaurant to invade Wicker Park's shores in quite some time, Taxim barges in with a look that's more Byzantine Empire than Mykonos beach—think copper tabletops, glowing tin lanterns and cushioned banquettes... the perfect place to dive in with a funloving date or a group of friends and go big, fat, Greek and probably a bit late.

Taxim's still waiting on their liquor license, so expect them to open sometime later this week. For the first couple weeks, they're keeping things simple with a choice of two prix-fixes ($18 and $32), with everything from lamb eggplant and roast chicken to a Greek cheesecake injected with mastic liqueur.

But come next month, they'll open things up with pomegranate-glazed duck gyros, live sea urchin and punch-packing retsina.

And coming this summer, you'll be Greeking it out in the middle of a big and lively outdoor rooftop scene.

You know, if that interests you...


1558 N. Milwaukee Ave
(E. of Damen)

Wicker Park
Chicago, IL 60622

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