
Burma Notice

Village-Hopping on the Rivers of Myanmar

None 10 Photos Orcaella

Also known as Burma.

Also known as that place with all the temples and river valleys and a government with a... slightly checkered reputation.

Yeah, let’s just focus on the temples and river valleys.

And how you’re taking them in on Orcaella, a 25-cabin river cruiser sailing Myanmar’s two most gorgeous bodies of water, taking reservations now for its maiden voyage in July.

Used to be this was... not the easiest place to visit. But now they’re putting out the welcome mat (or dock, anyway) for you to go all Huckleberry Finn on the Ayeyarwady and Chindwin rivers.  But instead of a raft, you’ll essentially have a miniaturized version of the Love Boat. With a 40-person staff. And an on-deck swimming pool. (Although Myanmar may still have some draconian no-cannonballing rules.)

Your first move: procure a balcony suite. That’s where you’ll contemplate such things as “How did they build eight temples on a single hill?” or “Where’s the bar?” (It’s on the main deck, FYI.) As for moves 2 to 179: hop from picturesque village to picturesque monastery, spreading goodwill and sampling artisanal teas. And if you happen to find nirvana... well, great.

And if you’d like a hot-air-balloon tour of the countryside, they can arrange that, too.

It’s always good to know at least one countryside balloon guy.

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