There’s this new place in Healdsburg.
Looks like a warehouse crossed with a barn crossed with the Jetsons’ lake house.
And it’s essentially everything you love about wine country crammed into one bi-level funhouse of day-tripping potential.
We’re talking about the Healdsburg Shed. It’s now open. It’s magnificent. And here are three equally magnificent ways to harness its powers...
As a prelude to your tasting room rounds.
There’s a coffee bar and café on the ground floor. Go to her. Start the day with some Flying Goat coffee and a baked-egg frittata. Take matters outside and ponder the day’s quaffing schedule over stunning views of Foss Creek. Maybe whistle a little bit.
As a munitions depot for picnic domination.
Hit the market. Stock up on charcuterie and Fiscalini aged cheddar and brioche and artichoke pickles and ham. They’ll even let you call ahead for a premade picnic basket soon. Alfresco sandwiching: very much not a game.
As a bar. Just... as a bar.
Because they’ve got one of those, too. It’s a beauty. Beer, kombucha, kefir, cider, 13 local wines... all on tap. Could be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day of winery-ing on your feet.
These are trying times. Stay strong.
Looks like a warehouse crossed with a barn crossed with the Jetsons’ lake house.
And it’s essentially everything you love about wine country crammed into one bi-level funhouse of day-tripping potential.
We’re talking about the Healdsburg Shed. It’s now open. It’s magnificent. And here are three equally magnificent ways to harness its powers...
As a prelude to your tasting room rounds.
There’s a coffee bar and café on the ground floor. Go to her. Start the day with some Flying Goat coffee and a baked-egg frittata. Take matters outside and ponder the day’s quaffing schedule over stunning views of Foss Creek. Maybe whistle a little bit.
As a munitions depot for picnic domination.
Hit the market. Stock up on charcuterie and Fiscalini aged cheddar and brioche and artichoke pickles and ham. They’ll even let you call ahead for a premade picnic basket soon. Alfresco sandwiching: very much not a game.
As a bar. Just... as a bar.
Because they’ve got one of those, too. It’s a beauty. Beer, kombucha, kefir, cider, 13 local wines... all on tap. Could be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day of winery-ing on your feet.
These are trying times. Stay strong.