
You Otto Know

A Pop-Up of Handmade Italian Handsomeness

None 5 Photos Otto
Fame. Fortune. Tequila popsicles by the pool.

Hey, not everything is meant to last forever.

And that’s okay. It’s just the way of the world.

The sooner you start accepting that, the easier this next little bit of news will be.

We’ve found you the perfect suit. It’ll be gone in four days.

Strike up a short-term relationship with Otto, a temporary pop-up at the Setai that’s packed with handmade suits/sharp-looking knits, taking appointments now for April 11 to 14.

So, Otto. They’re known for impeccable tailoring and hand-stitched finery. They’re not known... in the United States. Their only shop is located in London. Bit of a drive to get over to London. Would be way more convenient if they just brought all their clothes to South Beach for a bit. Okay.

To take part: consult your calendar and reserve a spot between tomorrow and Sunday. Then, head to the lounge at the Setai. There, you’ll find cardigans for brunch at Soho House. Slim-cut jeans for beers in Wynwood. And hand-stitched crocodile shoes for... you’ll think of something.

Also, suits. Can’t forget the suits. They’ll be doing them made-to-measure here. An on-site tailor will size you (and your inseam) up. He’ll send the results back to London. And in six weeks, boom, new suit.

Actually saying “boom” not required.

Or encouraged.

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