Cain Southampton Club

Call Of The Wild

Cain Southampton Opens

This summer, there's no place to go hunting for game like the Hamptons.

Apparently, Cain concurs, as it opens new African-safari-inspired digs in Southampton this Friday.

Cain Southampton (in the former Jet East space) is done up like a swank white safari tent, a perfect backdrop for your leisurely trophy hunt. Chill under the uplit white canvas palm trees, check out the video montage of the African coastline playing on the canvas walls, and settle in for the always-appreciated Cain dancers, who do their thing several times a night scantily clad in tribal gear. Lounge in the smaller Palm Room for quiet drinks, or head over to the VIP "Bunny Chow" room (named for Cain New York's best night for feasting on young game), where hip-hop and funk will pipe against walls of antique African masks.

But since "VIP" in the Hamptons translates to "everyone and their publicist's half-sister," Cain has also snagged itself a little Hamptons summer home called the Cain Estate.

Tucked away in an undisclosed Southampton location minutes from the beach, Cain Estate will throw dinner and cocktail pool parties, hosted by different celebs and socialites each week. Guests will be flown in by sea-plane to a location that we've been sworn to keep on the DL. But let's just say that if you follow the fleet of Jaguars (the Estate's sponsor) to an eight-bedroom cedar-shingled house, where housemate Patrick McMullan will be chilling on giant poolside daybeds, you're sure to find a party or two worth leaving the city for.

Let the hunting begin.


Cain Southampton Club
1181 North Sea Rd
Southampton, NY, 11968
631-283- 0808

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