The Men's Grooming Parlor

Parlor Games

The Men's Grooming Parlor Opens

Discretion is always the better part of valor, though you'll find it's also a surprisingly valuable commodity when you're about to enter a house of pampering.
Which brings us to The Men's Grooming Parlor, opening Monday in Andersonville with a promise to do whatever it takes to make you look your sharpest, even if that involves beating back the overgrowth in your gentlemanly regions.
This isn't taking the place of your barbershop or spa. Although you'll be able to get facials, salt scrubs or the occasional well-placed hot stone here, they're especially skilled at de-hairing men, including a $400 full-body clear-cutting (let's not talk about this anymore).
The aesthetician-owner has developed a cult following for his Zen-like approach, designed to minimize pain and maximize smoothness, but the parlor's best aspect is that you'll never cross paths with another client or even a receptionist, saving you from that always prickly "What are you in for" conversation. Instead, make your appointments directly with the owner, and when you arrive you'll have what we're pretty sure was Rudyard Kipling's study (handsome stuffed leather couch, old photos, antique TV) all to yourself.
Consider it the calm before the storm.


The Men's Grooming Parlor
5316 N. Clark St
(between Summerdale and Berwyn), 2nd floor
Chicago, IL, 60640

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