Things to do for December 20, 2012

The Weekender

Fire, Blades and Homemade Hooch

The weekend was a Mayan, and it was just kidding.

Hand-Etched Lighters for Lighting Things

Hand-Etched Lighters for Lighting Things

Really nice lighters. That’s what these are. What with all the brushed chrome and hand etchings from designer Jon Contino. No two of them are alike either. You can just walk around lighting things for people. It’ll be great. At least as great as doing something like that can be.

The Biggest Snooze Button Ever

The Biggest Snooze Button Ever

Every 24 hours or so, mornings happen. And every 24 hours or so, you’d rather be punched in the temple by last year’s winner of the National American Strongman competition. That’s why this iPhone dock with an extra-massive snooze button was invented. Those are your nine minutes. Yours.

Swaddling Your Coffee in Leather

Swaddling Your Coffee in Leather

If you’re looking for the most dead-serious coffee-carry-arounder ever, it’s your day. Because now you can get a hand-sewn, hand-riveted travel coffee kit made entirely out of Horween Chromexcel leather. It even comes with a hand grinder and a digital scale. We wish this were a game, but it’s not.

The Holy Grail of Pocketknives

The Holy Grail of Pocketknives

The pocketknife. It’s the gentleman’s axe. The gift-opener’s katana. The... thing that French people are really good at making. Take this one, for example. It’s the same hand-forged, high-carbon-steel blade that the French Foreign Legion carried around back in 1929. Great year for pocket weaponry.

Cocktails by the Jugful, Delivered

Cocktails by the Jugful, Delivered

When life gives you a big glass jug, a honeycomb stave and some instructions, you... use those things to create homemade cocktails that you can pour straight out of the jug at some sort of holiday party or something. It’s the barrel-aged cocktail kit from Tuthilltown Spirits. Make it proud.

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