
Snow Fore-cast

Taking On the Grand Slam of Snow Golf

If the producers behind <em>The Legend of Bagger Vance</em> and <em>Ski Patrol</em> joined forces on a new film... that film would be awful. But it gets you thinking: the story of an underdog hell-bent on getting the girl by winning the world’s most prestigious snow golf tournaments could make a damn good ski trip. Naturally, we’ve already planned your itinerary...

First Stop: Gstaad Palace

First Stop: Gstaad Palace

The Course: Nine holes played tournament-style in pairs, hosted at Gstaad Palace by some serious champagne magnates.
The Par: 32—but add two for every magnum consumed during the pre-match ritual.
The Glory: Perhaps a brief coronation ceremony. You haven’t really won anything yet.

Next, You Take the Austrian Alps

Next, You Take the Austrian Alps

The Course: Nine steep holes across a massive Alpine valley normally traversed by cross-country trains. With up to 400 meters between each hole, you’ll need a Sherpa caddie.
The Par: 34. It’s only the front nine—but prepare to ice your glutes.
The Glory: Nothing too extravagant. Maybe a schnitzel.

Then, You Win New Hampshire

Then, You Win New Hampshire

The Course: A snowboard-friendly tag team affair across nine New England–style trails.
The Par: Technically a 30, but the best-dressed competition brings your handicap to a -5.
The Glory: Smile a bit. You’re 3-0 now. Plus, you can finally hold a press conference in English.

Now, Conquer Your Russian Archnemesis

Now, Conquer Your Russian Archnemesis

The Course: A two-day, 3,777-meter, nine-hole course on the oldest and deepest freshwater lake on the planet. Our sources say it’s a frozen lake, but they’re also ex-KGB, so... tread softly.
The Par: This is a monster—plus, cell phones are banned. So at least a 40.
The Glory: It’s basically the Masters of winter golf. Get yourself a green parka.

And Now, a Victory Lap in California

And Now, a Victory Lap in California

The Course: A leisurely nine meandering holes from the top to the bottom of the lift, where your adoring ski bunny awaits with hot cocoa. And hopefully, a jet to somewhere warm.
The Par: 28. After everything you’ve been through, this should be easy.
The Glory: Prizes include gift certificates and ski resort swag—but really, this is about pride.

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