Things to do for September 13, 2012

The Weekender

The Weekend Has Some Scotch and Rolexes for You

The weekend could have sworn it was Friday.

Emergency Tacos at Super Linda

Emergency Tacos at Super Linda

You’re a Super Linda fan. Partly for the ceviche. Mostly for the name. Now you can add “grab-and-go taco window” to the list. That would be pork-belly, mahi-mahi and pastrami tacos you can get really fast and take home. For all those taco emergencies you have.

Opens Sep 13, The Taqueria at Super Linda, 109 W Broadway (at Reade), 212-227-8998

Scotches and Watches at Leffot

Scotches and Watches at Leffot

There’s just something about scotch and vintage Rolexes. It’s probably the fact that they’re both extremely wonderful things. They’re also things you can get at natty shoe headquarters Leffot tomorrow at their pop-up watch shop. As long as you’re not too busy with any other vintage-Rolex-and-scotch events.

It’s Brunch. With Jazz. Or Spaghetti.

It’s Brunch. With Jazz. Or Spaghetti.

You’ve got a crucial decision to make this weekend. A brunch decision. In the Midtown corner: stuffed french toast, huevos rancheros and live jazz at a Geoffrey Zakarian joint. In the Village corner: Rosemary’s, now doing prosciutto with poached eggs on weekend afternoons. F**k it, just do both.

Tapas and Paella from the Rayuela Guy

Tapas and Paella from the Rayuela Guy

Siestas. Dinner at 11pm. Penélope Cruz. Frankly, there’s just nothing you don’t like about the Spanish way of life. And you’ll get a little bit of that at this new tapas-and-paella spot from the fellow behind Rayuela. They do dinner until 3am. Those 3am paella cravings are vicious.

Opens Sep 19, Barraca, 81 Greenwich Ave (at Bank), 212-462-0080

Next Thursday
Columbus Circle, Now a Living Room

Columbus Circle, Now a Living Room

Columbus: sailed the ocean blue. Has a day off coming up in his name. And a circle in Midtown. About that: an artist constructed a living room around his statue there, six stories up—couches, tables, lamps. And you can visit. This is what happens when you kind of discover America.

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