
Is That A Hickey?

Preppy Menswear Brand Goes Casual

Whether or not you went to prep school, you're probably aware of the universal desire to beat up the guys who did.

Even as adults they're easy to spot, ensconced at a bottle-service table, vodka tonics in tanned hands, in their blue blazers and pink-collared shirts (and you probably still have that urge to beat them up).

Say the name Hickey Freeman to them and they'll look at you with the same acknowledgement a rich girl from Long Island would if you said Gucci or Moschino. The company has been dressing prep school alums since the late 1800s but just recently decided to pay a bit of homage to the rebel—the guy who may have gone to prep school but who probably wreaked a little havoc when he did.

This younger, more hip line, simply called "Hickey," pokes fun at the line from which it was spawned with pieces like shrunken cricket sweaters, skinny ties, stiff jeans and snug jackets in brown houndstooth.

In other words, they're clothes for the guy who's grown up, but sure as hell hasn't wanted to.


745 5th Ave
(between 57th and 58th, 2nd floor)
Midtown East
New York, NY, 10151

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