Things to do for August 16, 2012

The Weekender

$1 Oysters. Race Cars. Levi’s. Go...

The weekend has to return some video tapes.

Your New Crème Brûlée Hookup

Your New Crème Brûlée Hookup

First it was a humble cart. Then they added the truck. And now, they’ve completed the crème brûlée trifecta—they being Crème Brûlée Shop—and opened a brick-and-mortar storefront in SoMa. The crème brûlée village can’t be far behind.

Just a Ton of Cool Old Cars

Just a Ton of Cool Old Cars

No fewer than 45 vintage Shelby Cobra race cars will be speeding on Laguna Seca’s road course this weekend, and more will be on display in the infield car corral. It goes without saying, but look both ways before crossing.

Shirts from Two SF Icons

Shirts from Two SF Icons

You like Levi’s. You like Marine Layer. So chances are, you’ll like what happens when these two companies come together. Namely, all manner of handsome pullovers and button-downs. Just when you were about to try the bare-torso look for fall.

$1 Oysters at Boxing Room

$1 Oysters at Boxing Room

If you’re a fan of bivalves beginning with the letter “o” and ending in “yster,” head over to Boxing Room between 11:30am and 4:30pm on any given weekday. They’ll give you oysters for a dollar and bubbly or a beer for five. Your lunch game just went next-level.

Mon-Fri starting Aug 20, 11:30am-4:30pm, Boxing Room, 399 Grove St (at Gough), 415-430-6590

Massive Amounts of Grilled Cheese

Massive Amounts of Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese sandwiches: pretty much perfection. And you don’t mess with perfection—unless messing with it means adding toppings like jalapeños, bacon, ham and turkey, and serving the results for $3 a pop. Then you’re totally for it.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in San Francisco