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A Better Way to Book Tee Times

None You have a migraine.

You have a fever.

You have a sudden outbreak of conjunctivitis.

Okay, no, not really. But these are all good ideas. Use these for inspiration.

Use these for excuses when you need to get out of work to go golf.

Like, right now, perhaps...

Presenting Play18, an online service that lets you instantly search area golf courses by available tee times and then book them, available now.

Imagine OpenTable. But for golf. That’s what this thing is. A constantly updating database of nearby courses that lets you view and reserve tee times in a matter of minutes. (This Internet thing is pretty fast.)

All you have to do is register on the site. From there, you’ll browse through a list of courses complete with pictures and vitals. (Okay, so it’s more like OpenTable meets online dating, but for golf.) Find a course you like (something with minimal water hazards). Find a tee time that suits you (something in the afternoon). And book it. That’s it.

Right now, it’s mainly limited to OTP courses. But they’re adding more in the city as we speak. And soon, an app version of Play18. It’ll be like OpenTable meets online dating meets Siri.

But, you know, for golf.

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