Things to do for June 07, 2012

The Weekender

Taxi Driver, Tomahawks and a Big Glass of Bourbon Milk

The weekend’s what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

Where You’ll Watch the Euro Cup

Where You’ll Watch the Euro Cup

Euro 2012 starts this weekend (you know, that soccer thing). Your home base for the games this year (and also for Guinness BBQ Chicken Sandwiches): Fadó. They’ll be airing each match starting tomorrow. So expect a large crowd of overexcited Englishmen. Also, a dollop of well-meaning hooliganism. 

The Largest Knife Event. Anywhere.

The Largest Knife Event. Anywhere.

Your knife collection: impressive. There’s just one thing... it’s missing a Damascus. And/or a tomahawk. And/or an antique bowie. Solution: a massive knife show (complete with survival classes) is happening this weekend. There’ll be beer. There’ll be thousands of knives. There’ll be... no way that could become an issue.

An Old-School New York Film Series

An Old-School New York Film Series

There’s a Saturday film series starting this weekend at the High. About the movies: they’re all set on the streets of New York, all suitable for an after-dinner date, and at least one will have De Niro driving a cab. Yes, he’s in fact talking to you.

Red Velvet Waffles and Milk Cocktails

Red Velvet Waffles and Milk Cocktails

By now, you’ve stamped your approval on the Pinewood. But that was pre-brunch. And they’re doing brunch now (pause for dramatic applause...). On the menu, red velvet waffles and cocktails like the B & B Milk Punch (bourbon, brandy, whole milk). Picture a more morning-appropriate White Russian.

A Massive Block Party in Midtown

A Massive Block Party in Midtown

Your Sunday afternoons generally start with coffee and segue to beer. But this time... you’ll just drink them simultaneously. See, Whynatte is throwing a block party at Cypress Street. And they’re mixing their latte drink with stout beer from Jailhouse. Also, grilled burgers and acoustic bands. Though those will remain separate.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in Atlanta