Contains Nudity

Nude Girl

Rankin, Supermodels and Skin

None Whether you made your rounds at Coachella or the bars this weekend, you probably noticed a disturbing trend.

Everybody was wearing far too much clothing.

Well... almost everybody.

But anyway, take a look at Contains Nudity, a provocative new photography show that’s all about endless vistas of skin, opening today at Rankin Gallery.

So yeah, let’s talk about art. Technique. Symbolism. The influence of early cubism on the postmodern... actually, let’s just talk about a tribute to a bunch of beautiful women in their natural state.

You might be familiar with the names Heidi Klum, Helena Christensen and Kate Moss. They’re among the subjects who had no problem taking it all off for Rankin—he’s an English-born photographer who insists that this is all about empowerment, not objectification. (Probably helped that the man knows lighting a little better than your average Instagram filter.)

Supposedly, he didn’t even pose the ladies—they just did whatever they wanted. And what they wanted, apparently, was to crawl around on all fours, throw on a little leather and lick their own shoulder blades.

The heart wants what it wants.


Contains Nudity
at Rankin Gallery
8070 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA, 90046

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