Things to do for April 12, 2012

The Weekender

What to Do with Your Pictures and Whiskey This Weekend

The weekend just killed two birds with no stones.

The Respect Your Whiskey Deserves

The Respect Your Whiskey Deserves

Whiskey. She’s a fickle beast. So much so, in fact, that you’ll want to consider acquiring a custom rocks glass that comes with a circular ice mold specifically designed to gently chill your brown liquor without pissing it off. Or, you know, watering it down.

Just a Candle We Think You Should Have

Just a Candle We Think You Should Have

The gents behind Freemans Sporting Club tend to wear a lot of hats: purveyors of dapper things. Old-school barbers. Restaurateurs. Up next: candlemakers. More specifically, the kind of candles that come in shatterproof containers and smell like Paul Bunyan looks. FYI, he looks like cedar, pine and birch. And big.

The DJ Gig You Never Knew You Wanted

The DJ Gig You Never Knew You Wanted

Sometimes you just have to lay down a monster beat. Correction: no, you don’t. But you’ll still want to check out this app, which lets you create your own tracks using Propellerhead’s drum, bass and synth mixer. You, now DJ Wait-in-Line-at-the-Bank.

A Bunch of Handsome Just Went on Sale

A Bunch of Handsome Just Went on Sale

There’s a strong to very strong chance you could use a few more Billykirk Panama hats and Gitman Bros. shorts with little American flags all over them. And as fate would have it, Opening Ceremony would like you to pay 20% to 70% less for those things all month long. Thanks, fate.

Your Pictures Should Be Magnets

Your Pictures Should Be Magnets

You’ve got a lot of posterity lying dormant in that phone of yours. More specifically: pictures. And in the interest of not letting that Instagram of you and Meat Loaf eating meat loaf fall by the wayside, you’ll want to consider turning it into a magnet. It was that or a Fathead.

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