Things to do for March 08, 2012

The Weekender

The Beatles and Cake Truffles from David Chang

If you try sometimes, you just might find... you get the weekend.

The Beatles, Now in Coaster Form

The Beatles, Now in Coaster Form

Abbey Road: legendary studio where the Beatles recorded “Yesterday,” “In My Life,” and, um... “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.” Also: home to some great-looking equipment. These coasters depict said equipment. Sadly, they won’t help you record a cover of “Hey Jude.”

Cake Truffles from David Chang

Cake Truffles from David Chang

Cake truffles: just balls of delicious cake and frosting. But in the hands of the sugar enchanters at Momofuku: transcendent. As in apple pie cake truffles (that’s four combined desserts, if you’re counting) and ones made with their famous birthday cake. Well, famous by birthday cake standards.

Making Better Bacon

Making Better Bacon

By now, you’ve eaten bacon in several hundred forms... Now it’s time to get off the sidelines. To help: this interactive book of bacon. Bacon masters have recipes for you and will show you how to make it from scratch. For any sides of pig you’ve got lying around.

Screw Takes Rook

Screw Takes Rook

This striking chess set is just the basics—as in it’s literally made of nuts and bolts. Save for the queen, which seems to include a washer as well. Perfect for the plumber/chess wizard in your life.

When Record Covers Were Cool

When Record Covers Were Cool

During the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s, jazz was breaking new ground and generally blowing people’s minds. Meanwhile, the art on the record sleeves was... breaking new ground and generally blowing people’s minds. This book collects the best from a 50-year period. Your coffee table deserves this.

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