Things to do for February 16, 2012

The Weekender

Knives, Poker and The Princess Bride

A weekend divided against itself cannot stand.

Smelling Like the Great Outdoors

Smelling Like the Great Outdoors

There’s soap. And then there’s this: situation-specific bars specifically designed to make you smell better while camping, working with your hands, etc. Not that you ever smell of anything but sunshine and rainbows in the first place.

A Huge Vintage Hermès Blowout

A Huge Vintage Hermès Blowout

You’d like to pick up a few ties and a blazer from a Paris fashion legend. But you’d also like a Swiss Army knife and a magnifying glass... from a Paris fashion legend. The solution: this auction of vintage Hermès gear, happening today and tomorrow. You knew there’d be a solution. 

You, Up for Best Animated Short Film

You, Up for Best Animated Short Film

Oscar season’s got you thinking about your own auteurism. And about clay, for some reason. So it’s a good thing that this new stop-motion animation app exists. It takes up to 100 still shots and puts them together to create your oddly moving Lego man masterpiece. Start working on your acceptance speech now.

Because Playing Cards Needed a Redesign

Because Playing Cards Needed a Redesign

Playing-card design: actually a little weird, now that we think about it. So someone’s given them a rethink—these new decks use collages, words and fractals as illustration. Once you figure out what card you’re actually holding, your World Series of Poker chances should be stronger than ever.

The Princess Bride in Wine Form

<em>The Princess Bride</em> in Wine Form

The first thing you thought when you saw The Princes Bride was: “Cary Elwes would make a hilarious Robin Hood.” Also: “This movie needs its own wine.” Well, now someone’s created this cabernet and chardonnay duo for the film’s 25th anniversary. Men in Tights mead should hit stores in 2018.

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