
Sex Cells

The World’s Sexiest Apps

Your phone’s pretty great: it takes pictures, sends emails and even occasionally makes calls. Also: a useful paintbrush for the timeless art of seduction. Here, in honor of a certain Hallmark holiday’s inevitable arrival, the world’s sexiest apps.

Say “Come Here Often?” in 10 Languages

Say “Come Here Often?” in 10 Languages

What: A guide to flirtatious banter in 10 languages (yes, including Portuguese) from translation experts. Note: flash cards are involved.
You’ll use it: When English is not one of the many things you share with that dancer at Carnaval.

Delivering Delight from Across the Room

Delivering Delight from Across the Room

What: A line of iPhone- and iPad-controlled pleasure-delivery devices. You control... everything.
You’ll use it: When the last truffle has been eaten, the last drop of champagne consumed and the night’s winding down. Or as soon as you see each other.

A Few Timeless Ways to Shake Things Up

A Few Timeless Ways to Shake Things Up

What: A comprehensive list of, shall we say, intimate methodologies from the Kama Sutra. Also: a checklist, location challenges and a guide to recreating famous movie scenes. You know, like the car chase in Ronin.
You’ll use it: After you’ve stretched thoroughly and maybe taken a warm-up jog.

Getting the Music Part Right

Getting the Music Part Right

What: A Spotify extension for your phone that’ll mine the entire history of melodic sound for the perfect mood-setting playlist. You decide on tempo and “sensuality” levels, and it’ll find just the right silky voice.
You’ll use it: Because you’re too busy with... other things.

Just Some Sexy Photos of Supermodels

Just Some Sexy Photos of Supermodels

What: An iPad version of the prolific photographer’s book of flexible supermodels and pouty-lipped starlets.
You’ll use it: To keep your promise of reading more books this year. And, perhaps, as inspiration for a late-night photo shoot of your own...

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