
Party On

A Thorough Database of LA Party Spots

None As your friends, your coworkers and the editors at TMZ can attest, you’ve hosted some great parties at your place.

But you’ve never done so for profit—at least not until (you guessed it) now.

Introducing Eventup, a new website that’s like Airbnb for LA party venues, officially launching today.

Basically, you’ve got two ways to use this site. First: you post a listing for your place—it’s free to do so—along with a comprehensive rundown of notable party-friendly amenities and the rate you’ll accept to rent it out. (Your champagne waterslide is about to pay off.)

Of course, if you’re in the mood to throw a party at someone else’s house—like, say, Sally Field’s—just search the site. In addition to that fine residence (you’ll like it, you’ll really like it), you can also invite some jam bands over to Eric Clapton’s former home, bring some vodka and video cameras to the Big Brother jury house (fair warning: it’s in Chatsworth) and, over in Malibu, get weird at the Bachelor villa.

The perfect place to audition your Valentine’s Day candidates.

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