
Hurl Jam

Playing a 3,000-Year-Old Gaelic Field Game

None Hang in there.

Everything’s going to be okay, honestly.

Those convulsions you’re feeling. The cold sweats. It’s all a normal part of the process.

Yes, football is gone.

No worries, though—we already found you the perfect rebound...

Welcome to the Atlanta Co-Ed Hurling League—think lacrosse, baseball and hockey combined—registering (and practicing) now for the winter season beginning February 26.

If you’re not a current subscriber to Hurling Illustrated, all you really need to know is that it’s a 3,000-year-old Gaelic field game that requires an axe-shaped stick, a small round ball and the skills of three professional sports (give or take).

The main objective is to use something called a “hurley” (it’s that axe-shaped stick we mentioned) to weasel the ball into the opponents’ goal—which looks like a soccer net—by any means necessary. You can slap it like a hockey puck. Catch it in midair, toss it up and take a baseball-like swing. You can even kick the damn thing or smack it with your hands.

For now, practices will be held in Roswell (be strong), but all games will be played on an ITP field. Oh, and they’ll teach you everything you need to know before game day, up to and including a few Irish drinking songs during the many pre- and postgame gatherings at Fadó and RíRá.

We trust you’ll keep the hurling on the field. 


Atlanta Co-Ed Hurling League

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