Southern Pacific Brewing

Super Pac

The Mission’s Latest Massive Beer Shrine

None 4 Photos Southern Pacific Brewing
Warehouses: generally not that special.

Warehouses playing host to perpetual beer brewing and riotously fun drinking: also not that special.

Just kidding.

Behold Southern Pacific Brewing, a hub of beer making, imbibing and general brew-fueled merriment, opening Friday in the Mission.

Run by a few Speakeasy brewery alums, this massive, mezzanine-ringed, corrugated-steel-and-reclaimed-wood-heavy warehouse will be your newest source for long days of beer-flavored discovery.

You’ll probably miss this former machine shop on your first drive-by. But persevere. While this brewpub looks nondescript from the sidewalk, once you reach the bar you’ll be rewarded with an embarrassment of riches in the form of 20 beers on tap and beer-driven pub fare (like Pale Ale Pork Sausage Pizza).

If the distinction between being inside and outside on the patio feels a little blurred, it’s probably thanks to the wall of windows, as well as the fig trees and heat lamps scattered among the elevated wooden tables and stools—think: Munich biergarten on stilts.

But try not to think too much about it, and proceed up to the mezzanine with a pint of their porter for a bird’s-eye view of the goings-on below.

They say the porter tastes best at about 20-foot elevation.


Southern Pacific Brewing
620 Treat Ave
(at 19th)
San Francisco, CA, 94110


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