
Resolutionary Road

Introducing Your Anti-Resolutions

According to the Mayan calendar, the world will end in 2012. Maybe. So just in case, we’ve gone ahead and replaced your regularly scheduled New Year’s resolutions with something a little more... excessive. If you’re gonna go out, might as well do it on top.

A $2,500 Omelet

A $2,500 Omelet

Here’s something you’ll want/be sad to know exists: Day & Night’s Christmas-bonus-draining ostrich omelet. It’s filled with foie gras, lobster, truffles and caviar. Naturally, it comes with a magnum of Dom in case you get thirsty. Or need to wash the taste of cliché out of your mouth.

A Seasonal Affective Disorder Suite

A Seasonal Affective Disorder Suite

You hate winter. Yet you’re still too young to invest in a closetful of cruise wear and move to Florida. One completely exorbitant idea: a $10,000-per-night duplex suite at the Gansevoort. Specially designed to cheer you up with tropical umbrella drinks, an on-call healer and Christmas card airbrushing. Not that you need it.

Feeding Your Dog Foie Gras

Feeding Your Dog Foie Gras

For the puppies in the 1%, Thomas Keller is baking decadent biscuits enriched with foie gras and chicken stock at Bouchon. They taste almost exactly like the actual French delicacy. Only slightly tweaked to suit the taste buds of a four-legged animal that occasionally drinks out of the toilet.

An Afternoon’s Worth of Massages

An Afternoon’s Worth of Massages

Maybe tomorrow you’ll think of others. Maybe it’ll wait till 2013. But for right now, let’s focus on you... to the tune of an entire day of massages at the Mandarin Oriental. You’ll craft a tailor-made, three-hour spa session (planned over a foot massage, naturally). Then sit back and admire your work.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Leisure in New York