On-Field Dining

Field Day

Power-Lunching on the 50-Yard Line

None Let’s talk about lunch.

It’s the best.

You get to eat sandwiches. Drink martinis. Say things like, “You know, we should come here more often.”

Now let’s talk about lunch on the 50-yard line of the Georgia Dome.

Not bad either...

Say hello to On-Field Dining, the most powerful power lunch ever conceived and your chance to break bread right on the 50-damn-yard line, taking reservations now for your next gridiron lunchcapade in the heart of Falcons territory.

First off, we should mention that you can also set up a dinner should you feel so inclined. In fact, they’ll pretty much let you do whatever as long as it’s within reason (note: swapping out tables for hot tubs and replacing the jumbotron with a giant disco ball... not within reason).

But there’s something about this lunch scenario that simply calls to a higher purpose—rallying the troops before the big merger, fully immersing Mr. Kimura into American culture... a really expensive date.

They’ll set it all up for you. The tables, the chairs, the bar (and in case you missed it... the bar). Just give them a call and tell them what you’re looking for.

Oh, and if you’re really feeling it (and can handle a few months’ lead time), they’ll even rent out the entire stadium and paint your company logo in the center of the field.

Which happens to be your face, so that works out.


On-Field Dining
at the Georgia Dome
1 Georgia Dome Dr
Atlanta, GA, 30313

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