
The Wild Brunch

The Newest, Shiniest Brunches in Vegas

Brunch really has it all. A Bloody Mary requirement. The fabled joining of crepes and chilled lobster tails. And the ever-present possibility of 3pm pancakes. But innovations are still happening—Vegas-like innovations. Here then are the four shiniest examples of leaps forward in the Vegas brunchly arts.

Early-Morning Eggs at the Henry

Early-Morning Eggs at the Henry

It’s never too early to surround yourself in rich, dark woods and plush leather banquettes. Especially when they’re accompanied by Short Rib Eggs Benedict and Cinnamon Roll French Toast. A holy union if ever there was one.

Relevant Keywords: Bennys, daylight avoidance, Beyoncé

Swim-Up Blackjack at Nikki Beach

Swim-Up Blackjack at Nikki Beach

We’ve done the research. The best way to celebrate a triumphant run at the tables is with sushi and mojitos. Also: a 100-meter individual medley. Thus, this brunch of seafood, rum, white linen and, of course, swim-up blackjack tables. Where you’ll have no shirt to lose.

Relevant Keywords:
bronziness, tiny wooden umbrellas, DJ-enhanced gambling, cabana etiquette

Bottomless Bloodys at the Barrymore

Bottomless Bloodys at the Barrymore

The Bloody Mary: great just as it is. You wouldn’t change a thing. Well, except for the flagrant absence of truffles and brisket. That’s all covered in bottomless fashion at this off-the-Strip, Rat Pack-ian breakfast haven. That, and your pork belly Benedict jones.

Relevant Keywords: retro, local hipsters, champagne creativity

Mon-Sun, 7-10:45am, The Barrymore, 99 Convention Center Dr, 702-407-5303 

Brunch All the Time at Central Michel

Brunch All the Time at Central Michel

Brunch happens often. Brinner: not so much. Bressert: even less so. That’s why you’ll come here to put away the brunch classics—filet mignon and eggs, french toast crème brûlée (you know, the classics)—anytime you like. We’re kind of surprised you couldn’t do this before.

Relevant Keywords: donut smell, breakfasts of champions, gravy waffles

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