You want Switzerland.
Which is why you're satisfied to hear that the man behind La Esquina and The Box is bringing it to you—complete with one of the world's three train station-sized Rolex clocks. Welcome to Café Select, Serge Becker's newest store/café/bar/potential debaucherous playpen, which unleashed itself with a preview party over the weekend.
From the street, the cafe looks simple enough—old-school Swiss train-station benches, Bauhaus-style lighting and a bathroom lock marking the room as frei or besezt (your guess is as good as ours). Inside you'll likely be sitting amongst a crowd of beauties noshing on Swiss pretzel bread sandwiches, mountains of bratwurst and…Bundnerfleisch (come on, you know you want it).
But, walk through the front cafe and it starts to get interesting. Your first stop will be the hidden two-table room uncovered during renovations—which might be the best addition to your dating arsenal since you discovered the candle. Continue on through the kitchen, La Esquina-style, where you'll find a 12-person chef's table perfect for all your Swiss dinner party needs. Finally, press on down some steps into a small, dark and industrial bi-level basement, housing detention benches from the '20s and a large boiler. We see this being either the next secret party scene or where the Swiss mafia will be taking care of business—either way, get excited.
As for the opening, you're on notice that the doors could open at any moment.
They can't be precise about everything.