
Night School

An Underground Cooking Class

None You’re constantly learning.

For instance: it’s impossible to cry in space.

Also: there’s this underground dinner club. And they’d like to help you learn their culinary dark arts...

Welcome to Underground Cooking Class, a BYOB, one-night-only session where you’ll prepare (and eat) six courses of unpredictability, taking reservations now for this Sunday.

Okay, you’re familiar with the world of the underground dinner. Now the gumbo-serving mastermind behind those secret Louisiana-style dinners wants to drop a little culinary knowledge on you.

You’ll start by shooting him an email. You may want to send it now because there are only 36 seats for this Sunday. (We’ll wait.) After you get a confirmation back, you’ll wait until Sunday, when he’ll send you the time, location and menu. (Teaser: Hawaiian sushi is in your future.)

Come Sunday, you and your date will grab your school supplies (by which we mean booze). They provide everything else, so leave your cast-iron skillet/popcorn popper at home. Your class: broken up into six groups (one for each course). Your job: prepare 36 servings of one dish. Your apron: impeccable. You’ll be shoulder-to-shoulder with the chef as he gives you pointers on preparing everything from the chilled melon soup to foie gras. But you’ll be the one who cooks, plates and presents your dish to the party.

And tell your date her apron looks lovely, too.

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