Mayhem XII: Global Mayhem

Say Uncle

In Lieu of Another Father's Day Tie

Father's Day is coming around again, and as usual, you promised yourself that this year you'd do better than a phone call. You know, like take the opportunity to reconnect, reminisce and spend time with the old paterfamilias.

That, and watch a random guy take a knee to the face.

Say hello to Mayhem XII: Global Mayhem, an intensely named Muay Thai slugfest that may just be the best opportunity for father-son bonding this side of Torrey Pines.

About that mayhem: Muay Thai is a Southeast Asian style of boxing with moves like the flying knee strike and the cobra punch (not to be confused with the cobra punch you sampled in Bangkok), which means it's more Kimbo Slice than Rocky, although there's still room for a training montage or two. And with 12 different bouts lined up, including a super-middleweight title match, you and Pops are in for a three-hour frenzy of thrown elbows, dislodged teeth and awkward hug/high-five combos. There's even a couple of female fights to mix things up, and free vodka, wine and food (for VIP) on hand as a bonus between bouts.

Because nothing inspires understanding like a gimlet.


Mayhem XII: Global Mayhem
239 W. 52nd St
Midtown West
New York, NY, 10019

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