Things to do for June 09, 2011

The Weekender

Sno-Balls, Cookouts and a Bikini Brunch

It’s so hot you could fry an egg on the weekend.

Ninja Training and Endless Cocktails

Ninja Training and Endless Cocktails

This weekend, we’re booking you a ninja training session with Rihanna’s trainer at the W Hotel—and yes, we just said ninja training. Plus, we’re getting you bottomless cocktails at the swank hotel bar known as the Libertine and VIP membership to a sleek enclave of bespoke grooming.

Frozen Treats from the Big Easy

Frozen Treats from the Big Easy

The current temperature: oppressive. So in order to effectively cool you down, we’ve called in reinforcements... from New Orleans. Introducing the sno-ball, a Crescent City classic that’s like a snow cone, only fluffier. And available in 33 flavors (including Tiger Blood). If Baskin-Robbins taught us anything, it’s always stop at 31.

90% Off Opening Ceremony

90% Off Opening Ceremony

Few things concern you right now more than your pants. And their lack of breathability. So rather than taking a scissor to the slacks you’re currently in, stop by Opening Ceremony’s summer sale and make the switch to a lighter twill or linen. Your mesh chinos weren’t office-appropriate anyway.

Lavo Launches a Bikini Brunch

Lavo Launches a Bikini Brunch

You’ve got a couple of good reasons for heading to the Hamptons late this Saturday. One: avoiding the traffic. Two: a champagne brunch at Lavo. There’ll be beach balls, bikini-clad waitresses and an on-duty lifeguard. In case you start drowning in mimosa.

Plate to Gate Meals from Bobo

Plate to Gate Meals from Bobo

From this moment forward, you’ll be eating the rest of your meals outside. Outside of the city limits, that is. See, Bobo’s packing up their West Village restaurant and taking the show to nearby farms and river banks this summer. Expect on-site pig roasts, bay-fresh oyster baskets and a menu that was recently swimming.

Movie Night at the Jane Ballroom

Movie Night at the Jane Ballroom

There’re movies you need to see in the theater. And then there’re movies you need to see in a 100-year-old hotel ballroom that’s adorned with a gigantic stuffed ram. For those instances, you’ll now have the Jane’s surprise Monday movie night. Presented in 5.1 Dirty Martini Digital surround sound.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

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