
Country Strong

Your Guide to Country Club Pool Infiltration

The line between want and need: sometimes blurry. For instance, you don’t necessarily <em>need</em> to sneak into country club pools... If, however, you were to succumb to this most noble of pursuits, at the very least, we would want you to have a proper plan of action. There might be one of those below. Maybe.

Cherokee Town Club

Cherokee Town Club

Strategy: First good sign: there’s no gate here. Park in the small lot to the left of the clubhouse. Avoid this clubhouse. Walk under the archway, keep the tennis courts to your left. When you step inside and hit the heavily manned reception area, calmly breeze past it like you own the place. Bank right at the end of the hall. You’ve made it.
Risk: Low—
Possible interrogation at reception area. Other than that, cake.
High dive Lindy-offs. Patio cocktails. Tennis skirt/mimosa combos for days.

Piedmont Driving Club

Piedmont Driving Club

Strategy: Chance of a guard actually being in the guardhouse: 50/50. Either way, get through, keep right and enter the underground parking garage. Find the stairs and take them to “Stair 1, Level G.” Open the door. Make a right. Congratulations... pool.
Risk: Medium
—There’s no actual gate at the guardhouse, so just drive past like you’ve done it 1,000 times before.
Solid skyline views. Endless untapped... maternal resources.

Capital City Country Club

Capital City Country Club

Strategy: Know this: you will be stopped at the gate. Be pleasant. Dress the part. Tell the guard you’re picking up a friend after his luncheon. Just don’t overdo it... less is more. Drive as far back and left as possible. Look for the side entrance and walk through the gate. You’re there.
Risk: High
—Getting the guard to bend to your will depends on your charm and confidence level... so be charming and confident.
The level of cougardom here is unparalleled.

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