Things to do for May 26, 2011

The Weekender

Rock Stars, BBQ and Your New Secret Phone Number

The weekend will get back to you on Tuesday.

The Latest in Condiment Science

The Latest in Condiment Science

You’ve said it a million times: it wouldn’t be a Memorial Day barbecue without a few bizarre condiments. We’ve found two secret weapons: ketchup-flavored salt (seriously), and a bacon rub that solves the problem of foods that refuse to taste like bacon. Maybe don’t rub it on bacon.

Hanging Out with Rock Stars

Hanging Out with Rock Stars

It’s the golden rule of interior decor: everything’s better with a picture of Ringo. This new online gallery has thousands of prints, including the iconic Ramones cover and an early Madonna test shoot. Also handy if you have an urgent need for a limited-edition portrait of Luther Vandross.

Your Summer Workout, Illustrated

Your Summer Workout, Illustrated

Reminder: you have three months of beaching in your immediate future. Related: this app helps you plan your workout muscle by muscle, showing skeleton-style close-ups on-screen to indicate exactly which parts of your tricep you’ll be pumping up. Presumably, only the important ones.

A Manlier Kind of Scented Candle

A Manlier Kind of Scented Candle

Vanilla’s always seemed a little soft to you. These scented candles go for more down-to-earth scents like “Sawdust” and “Fresh Cut Grass,” to make your bedroom smell like a workshop and/or football field. We’re still waiting on “Dad’s Garage.”

Your Secret Phone Number

Your Secret Phone Number

Your phone number is a precious thing, only fit for close friends and mysterious but alluring Belgian diplomats. For everyone else (the Dutch diplomats, for instance), provides a fake forwarding number you can give out freely and cut off at any time. Now, to think of an appropriately cool-sounding alias...

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